female patient with tablet

Propel Your Trial Forward With Built-in Patient Engagement.

Are Patient Dropouts Impacting Your Clinical Trial Success?

30% of
patients drop
out of trials

Causing delays.1

$19,000 for

Cost of patient recruitment.1

80% of trials
delayed by
~one month

With many delayed longer.1

bullet icon imageOur eCOA platform is purpose-built to empower patients to feel connected throughout the clinical trial journey 
bullet icon imageBy leveraging intuitive user interfaces, notifications, and multilingual support, we create a seamless experience for diverse patient populations  
bullet icon imageBehavioral science guides every aspect of our eCOA, from encouraging timely responses to sustaining long-term involvement 

YPrime’s clinical trial technology platform offers patient engagement features across eConsent and eCOA, leveraging user-friendly design, personalization, and behavioral science to drive patient retention and adherence.
Nisarg Shah, Practice Director, Everest Group
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